Renalog® RM Reprocessing Management Software

A powerful Windows®-based Dialyzer Reprocessing Manager that emphasizes security, efficiency, and ease of use. Renalog RM Software provides convenient reports so your installation can track your statistical information without using manual formulations.

Renalog® RM Software Gold is an upgrade for clinics using a previous version of Renalog®. This update includes the Renalog® RM software, computer, monitor, label printer, inkjet report printer and accessory kit.

Renatron® II Computerization Packages are also available for upgrading Renatron® II or Renatron® II series 100 in complete systems. Packages include a computer, label printer, inkjet report printer, monitor, software interface module, cables and Renalog® RM Reprocessing Management Software.


Maximum ease of use: Formed by the experience of thousands of Renalog II users, Renalog RM is designed to effectively meet user needs.

  • Based on Microsoft Windows®.
  • Easy-to-use graphical interface.
  • Integrated program.
  • Optimized efficiency.
  • Improved reliability.
  • Fully guided process.
  • Supports up to 12 dialyzer reprocessing stations Renatron® II.


Startup / shutdown screens: specially designed processes guide the operator through the steps necessary to complete a safe and effective system startup and shutdown.

  • Operational pressures.
  • Operational status of the Renatron.
  • Culture records and endotoxins.
  • Cleaning service Log.
  • Disinfection record.
  • Calibration verification record.
  • Special dialyzer handling.
  • Verification of Renalin® Cold Sterilant.
  • Renalin 1% dilution.


Extended data tracking: Improve staff efficiency with additional automated data collection.

  • User ID.
  • Lot number and use of the Renalin®.
  • Location of the use of the dialyzer.
  • Calibration and sanitization of the Renatron®.
  • Renatron® cleaning service procedure (409).
  • Water pressure.
  • Water cultures.
  • Out for maintenance.
  • Maximum use per patient.


Improved reporting: the most comprehensive reprocessing analysis tool at your fingertips.

  • Powerful data analysis tools.
  • Standard and customizable reports.
  • Enlarged and flexible search criteria.
  • Accessible from the daily use screens.
  • Export or print for management review.
  • Designed for printing dedicated reports.


Security and compliance: includes all the security and compliance features you expect from DTB, and more.

  • Separate management and reprocessing zones.
  • Customizable security system.
  • Comprehensive security checks.
  • Renalin product verification.
  • Lot number traceability.
  • Compliance with AAMI / CMS guidelines for reprocessing dialyzers.


Labels and printing: Renalog® RM is designed for dedicated use of label and report printers.

  • Faster label printing.
  • Possibility to print in color.
  • Staff efficiency.


Edition: Renalog® RM maintains full traceability of all data changes by identifying:

  • What data used to be?
  • What data was changed?
  • The person who made the change.
  • The date and time the change was made.