Renalin® 100 Cold Sterilant

For reprocessing the dialyzer with the Renatron® 100 series system. Each one-gallon container contains 3,785 liters of Renalin 100® concentrate.

To avoid excessive pressure build-up, all concentrate containers are provided with vented caps. These caps must not be altered or replaced.

Renalin 100 comes with four 1-gallon containers per box and can be ordered with or without the Renalin® Residual Test Strips. All boxes must be stored in an upright position.



Renalin 100® offers the same proven performance and traditional cleaning and sterilizing power as Renalin® Cold Sterilant, in a convenient package that requires no manual dilution and uses minimal storage space.

  • 66% less storage space.
  • No pre-dilution required.
  • Reduces reprocessing waste.
  • Renalin 100® Cold Sterilant, is the solution to increase your reprocessing efficiency.


Minimum storage space:

  • The Renalin 100® Cold Sterilant packaging reduces the storage space required for traditional Renalin packaging by 66%. Renalin 100 is supplied in four 3,785 liters containers per box, allowing you to order less frequently and/or order smaller quantities.


Environmentally friendly:

  • Less bulk packaging and containers means a significant reduction in waste for your reprocessing facility.


Efficient and profitable:

Traditional Renalin cold disinfectant has a maximum of seven days of shelf life after pre-dilution. Renalin 100® is designed to be automatically diluted by a Renatron that has been converted to a Renatron 100 series:

  • Elimination of the work and resources spent on pre-dilution of Renalin.
  • Minimizes exposure to Renalin 100® Cold Sterilant, concentrate.
  • Complete expiration of the product (no pre-dilution eliminates the seven-day expiration).