The DCU220WIP is the fix dust containment unit with Wash-In-Place system.

Equipped with two HEPA14 BagIn BagOut filters, the unit is suitable for Wash In Place at the end of use to deactivate the hazardous collected material in a very simple way, and for drying in place at the end of the washing cycle.

To be used in combination with CY unit, in WIP configuration as well, the first HEPA14 filter secures dust retention up to 99,995% while the second HEPA14 filter serves as security filter.

Fully AISI316L stainless steel, all the operations on the unit are conducted in safe way so as to reach OEB5 level during operation and OEB4 level during maintenance.

The butterfly valve on the inlet and the venting HEPA filter allow to disconnect the unit from the system when not working, avoiding cross-contamination.

Each HEPA14 filter housing is equipped with DOP ports to perform filter integrity test, while the performances are always under control thanks to one visual indicator for each filter on the front of the unit. The hinged door and the stainless steel panel serve as support during filter change, and combined with glove bag make the unit very easy to maintain.

The unit is available both in vertical and horizontal configuration, so as to fit all needs in terms of accessible space, and with a wide range of optional devices – like sensors, alarms, valves.


  • Stainless steel AISI316L unit
  • Wash In Place
  • OEB5 during operation, OEB4 during maintenance
  • GMP conformity
  • Commissioning, FAT-SAT
  • Suitable for Atex and combustible dust (St1, St2)
  • BagIn BagOut system for the safe replacement of the absolute filter
  • Security HEPA14 BagIn BagOut filter
  • Collected material discharge with contamination-free dust bag
  • Butterfly valves and venting HEPA filter to avoid contamination back during maintenance operations
  • Differential pressure gauges to monitor the vacuum performances
  • 30L capacity hopper
  • Ease of use